Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki

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Bjork. Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki

Bjork. Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki

Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki
Japanese freelance artist Hiroki Suzuki graduated from the Musashino Art University. The artist uses the simplest of all materials – colored paper as the basis of a photograph or drawing, or rather to say contoured image. Scissors cut paper into different details, which then are put on the base of paper. Sometimes instead of scissors parts of paper are torn with hands to reveal the texture and add emphasis to design. All this is not an easy handmade work.
Uniqueness of Hiroki’s copyright works is his art style. Secret is how to use colors. Hiroki made ​​a rule to use only four different colors on one picture. Only then the work gets the most harmonious, aesthetic and complete view. The author seeks to create an artwork that will affect the audience with her bright pop style.

Audrey Hepburn. Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Icon of beauty and style Audrey Hepburn

Flowers. Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki


Girl with a Rose. Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki

Fabulous paper art. Girl with a Rose

Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki

Girl with peacock feather paper portrait

Paper Portraits by Hiroki Suzuki

Creative process

Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

John Lennon. From photo to drawing and paper portrait

Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Girl’s portrait. Paper art

Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Colorful Paper art

Jim Morrison. Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Jim Morrison

John Lennon. Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

John Lennon

Michael Jackson. Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Michael Jackson

Pet shop Brown. Shop signboard 2009. Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Pet shop Brown. Shop signboard 2009

Summer 'Watermelon. Paper art by Japanese artist Hiroki Suzuki

Summer ‘Watermelon