Naomi Zettl & Andreas Kunert stone art
Most ancient sites around the globe are built from natural stone, containing immortal, timeless quality in its sacred geometry. Canadian duo of artists Andreas Kunert and Naomi Zettl (husband and wife) work with such ancient, timeless and permanent medium as natural stone. The artists create very interesting and complex stone mosaic walls. Since her childhood Naomi was mystified by the stone circles and ancient artifacts that she saw meters from her home on the prairies of Saskatchewan. Her fascination with art & archaeology led her to the profession of an artist – she graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2000, with a major in sculpture and painting. Stones have always been in the life of Andreas since childhood, which he spent near The Rock of Ages Granite Quarry. Andreas is passionate to give stone an articulated form. Both artists – Naomi Zettl & Andreas Kunert are deeply passionate about creating something special from stone.
Partners in life and business Naomi Zettl & Andreas Kunert have founded their own company “Ancient Art of Stone”. An extract from the artists’ philosophy (from their website Ancient Art of Stone): “From ancient civilizations to current times, there have been identified in art, culture and architecture harmoniously proportioned shapes and repeating patterns known as the golden mean. We need only look deeply at the geometry found in nature, a flower blossom, the growth of a tree, a nautilus shell; we discover a perfection and an incredible order, that awakens in us a sense of our own inception, DNA, and form. Something reveals itself that is infinitely greater than we are and yet part of us: the limitless emerges from limits, a defined creative order bringing life to spirit. Our creative works flow naturally and intuitively from the basic founding principles and building blocks of all creation, through sacred geometry”.