Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings by Steve Mills

Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings by Steve Mills

Glass jars. Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings by Steve Mills, American artist

Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings by Steve Mills
Born on March 28, 1959 in Boston, MA, American artist hyper-realist Mills began painting at an early age. As a child Mills preferred a pencil to crayons to get a better detail. In fact, this fascination with detail became his calling card. Noteworthy, he sold his first drawing at the age of 11 and has been selling ever since.

Meanwhile, his early paintings influenced by the works of Andrew Wyeth, were mostly landscapes. Hyper-realism in particular, became his interest through the work of Richard Estes after seeing a show in Boston, MA. Since then he has pursued this passion, having studied, met and even displayed with some of the great masters of photo-realism.
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Mysterious paintings by Rene Magritte

Decalcomania 1966. Mysterious paintings by Rene Magritte

Decalcomania 1966. Mysterious paintings by Rene Magritte, Belgian artist

Mysterious paintings by Rene Magritte
Even the reflection will turn away from you. The artist tries to talk with the audience in plain language. Depicting a dove, he implies the most frequent interpretation of a symbol of peace, depicting an Apple – temptation and discord. His paintings are trying to analyze the logic of associations. Great Belgian surrealist artist Rene Magritte (21 November 1898 – 15 August 1967) displays ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things. The feelings of tension and mystery present in the paintings of the artist, and a combination of non-standard items makes you wonder. A special role is played by the names of pictures, which are always poetic, and at first glance are not related to the paintings. But this is precisely their significance.
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Minimalism in nature

Minimalism in nature

Landscape with a sandy beach. Minimalism in nature

Minimalism in nature
The term “minimalism” is usually used in art, where the elements or objects are reduced to minimal. Minimalistic images have a certain attractiveness, and even philosophical sense. Meanwhile, we can see minimalism everywhere – music, design, architecture, photography, and more.
Featured here set of beautiful photographs demonstrates minimalism in nature. In particular, drought, desert, flood, sky, iceberg, lonely tree, or a plant – all can be part of a minimalist landscape. Any object in the sky looks minimalistic – the moon, the sun, and the flying plane. Distant islands and lakes, endless steppes and sand dunes … just the time to stop hurrying – a moment of pure bliss of nature, nothing more. Nothing but peace.
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Dolce & Gabbana Applied Art

Dolce & Gabbana Applied art

Milan, Italy. Dolce & Gabbana Applied Art. Fall-Winter 2014/2015 Artful collection

Dolce & Gabbana Applied Art
Fall-Winter 2014/2015 luxurious collection demonstrates inspiration with applied art and its triumph – Fingerless gloves, embroidered with beads and stones, handbags and shoes in stones and rhinestones, coats and jackets with embroidery, whimsical floral appliques and prints – a truly amazing collection in detail for inspiration and creativity. As always, Dolce & Gabbana was creative, luxurious and fairy-tale like, from “Once upon a time in Sicily…” beginning. The ‘key’ motif was literally the key itself, gold key prints covered beautiful textile.
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Love mineral Rhodochrosite

Love mineral Rhodochrosite

Red color semi-precious stone. Love mineral Rhodochrosite

Love mineral Rhodochrosite
One of the oldest gemstones known to mankind, Rhodochrosite is a semi-precious mineral appearance and markings reminiscent of rhodonite. Their similarity is due to the presence of the chemical formula of the same element manganese, caused by the appearance of a beautiful and stable color from pink to crimson. And this, in particular, reflects the title of the stone, from the Greek “Rhodes” – “Rose”.
Rhodochrosite has a glassy luster. Depending on the impurities that have been the formation of rhodochrosite, the stone may appear in shades of gray, yellow, brown, greenish colors. In the world there are many places of extraction of the mineral – Mongolia, Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Germany, Russia (the Urals and Trans-Baikal).
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Japanese quilt artist Hiroko Miyama

'All Together'. Japanese quilt artist Hiroko Miyama

‘All Together’. Japanese quilt artst Hiroko Miyama

Japanese quilt artist Hiroko Miyama
Traditionally, Quilting – the art of creating extraordinarily beautiful ornaments and paintings by sewing and quilting different materials. Works produced in this way are called quilts.
The quilt ‘All Together’ is the winner of International Quilt Festival in Houston. Noteworthy, it was the first collaboration of Tokio based artist Hiroko and her husband Masanobu Miyama.
Japanese artist of applied art Hiroko Miyama creates quilts mostly with the image of her children and dogs, whom she calls her treasures. According to her, there are a lot of objects she wants to quilt, especially beautiful sceneries of Nagano, flowers and fairy tales. The artist on her website step by step explains the process and the technique of her quilt.
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Painting by German artist Anne Siems

Painting by German artist Anne Siems

A girl. Painting by German artist Anne Siems

Painting by German artist Anne Siems

Talented German artist Anne Siems was born and raised in Germany. In 1991 she graduated from Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin, specializing in Fine Arts. After graduation she left Germany for the United States to continue studying art in Seattle. Anne Siems is inspired by floral and fauna themes, illustrating the organic world of birds, butterflies, garlands, draperies, small landscapes, faces and dresses. The artist is influenced by the art of the European Masters, Early American Folk Art, as well as vintage and modern photography.
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