Art Kaleidoscope - Page 40 of 121 - Between art and craft

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Birch bark art by Vadim Komarov

Tues of birch bark 'Flowers'. Birch bark art by Vadim Komarov (BeReSta63)

Tues of birch bark ‘Flowers’. Made of several layers of birch bark, facing layer – stamping, water-based lacquered (eco-friendly). Bottom and lid – cedar. Ideal for storing food, dried herbs, mushrooms, berries. Birch bark art by Vadim Komarov (BeReSta63)

Birch bark art by Vadim Komarov

First of all “Tues”, or tuesok (tuesy, tueski – plural) – small birch-bark box with a lid. Classic tues is cylindrical. Another name – Burak. The word “Tues” is borrowed from Northern Russia Komi language, meaning “Birch bark”. Russian artist of applied art Vadim Komarov (BeReSta63) is a talented self-taught craftsman working with birch bark. He lives in the city of Beryozovsky, Siberia. Initially, birch bark folk crafts was only a hobby for him, as he worked as an electrician all his life. But as it often happens, his favorite hobby has become his second profession.
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Ryan Cook chainsaw sculpting

Eagle & owl bench. Ryan Cook chainsaw sculpting

Eagle & owl bench. Ryan Cook chainsaw sculpting

Ryan Cook chainsaw sculpting
Having entered the world of carving in 2011, Canadian chainsaw carver Ryan Cook quickly became an established name in the art. In addition, he has earned the respect of his fellow carvers competing in carving events around the world. In particular, invited to the English Open, The Dutch International, Invitational World Championships in Chetwynd, BC, and many others. Ryan Cook has also launched his own business Saw Valley, based out of Britannia Beach, British Columbia, where he creates custom carvings for customers. Initially, Ryan was an actor hired to play the role of “The Apprentice” on SAW DOGS. Surprisingly, never having actually carved a day in his life before the show.
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Anatoly Vostochny Flower art kaleidoscope

Anatoly Vostochny Flower art kaleidoscope

Sun Disc. Anatoly Vostochny Flower art kaleidoscope

Anatoly Vostochny Flower art kaleidoscope
A talented and creative photographer and poet, Anatoly Vostochny lives in Odessa. Gallery of his photographs consists of more than 10 thousand pictures on different themes. In particular, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, animals, children, genre, travel, black – white, and retro …
From the extensive collection of photographs I have chosen a series, which I could title “Flower Kaleidoscope”. They are bright positive pictures, creatively processed in Photoshop. Born in the USSR, Anatoly lives and works in Odessa, and feels a bit nostalgic about his Soviet past. According to Vostochny, Soviet Union – is his homeland, his family, and his home. “I come from Mariupol. And now I have there children, grandchildren and many relatives: only siblings cousins – 44 of them. So it is really my city …. Well and Donbass … Also, I lived in Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Vorkuta … How many good things were in the USSR”.
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Painting by Yuri Kuznetsov

Angel - Guardian

Guardian Angel. Painting by Yuri Kuznetsov (August 18, 1948, Kovrov, Vladimir region – October 10, 2012, Moscow)

Painting by Yuri Kuznetsov

In addition to icons, during the last year of his life Yuri Kuznetsov has created more than 100 paintings. He painted them “greedy”, quickly, as if he wanted to say a lot, but the time, he intuitively felt, there was little. He often said that he could show or tell about something if he would be asked the right question. Typically, these “right” questions came to him from somewhere, and not from men. But even if you know answers, how to tell about the “Beyond”, or “The Creation,” or how “Angels play”? World for many of these images seems unreal or even invented. Yuri Kuznetsov saw angels, knew what a man feels when his “Earthly life passed”, realized that his soul would find itself in a dark forest”, or what fire “the Cross” burns. And as if by a twist of fate, or perhaps deliberately one of the last pictures appeared to be “Code” – the final chord of earthly life …
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Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky

Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky

Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky (16 December 1866 – 13 December 1944)

Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky
Who has ever seen paintings by Wassily Kandinsky – bright, shocking, incomprehensible – can say that the artist dared to jump over the boundaries of freedom. He was understood by his contemporaries, at the beginning of the last century who saw the then unknown watercolor artist. Paintings seemed nothing but a chaotic placement of colorful spots and lines, did not depict anything, but at the same time attracted the eye, gave birth to images – unusual, mysterious. It is understood by descendants, who years later named Wassily Kandinsky one of the founders of modern abstract art. Critics of the fine arts for many years will try to unravel the phenomenon of the artist, to understand what led him to such strange images and their implementation. And they will come, in the end, to the conclusion that to understand Kandinsky is difficult. This is the same as listening to music – or imagine something exciting, beautiful, or just hear jumble of sounds.
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Ceramic sculpture by Natalia Dobrzhanskaya

Statuette 'The two'. A scarf for two. One flight for two. One life for two. Ceramic sculpture by Natalia Dobrzhanskaya

Statuette ‘The two’. A scarf for two. One flight for two. One life for two. Ceramic sculpture by Natalia Dobrzhanskaya, Moscow based artist

Ceramic sculpture by Natalia Dobrzhanskaya
Russian ceramist, artist, doll maker, and sculptor Natalia Dobrzhanskaya was born, lives and works in Moscow. She graduated from art school. Since 2001, the author deals with ceramic sculpture and doll making. The works of Natalia Dobrzhanskaya (Dobr) have been exhibited in the gallery “Vakhtanov” (Central House of Artists). Natalia is a member of the International Association Of Authors Of Dolls.
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Still life painted by Hitler sold at auction

Still life painted by Hitler. Blue ceramic jug with flowers. 1912. Still life by Hitler at auction Nate D Sanders in Los Angeles. Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Blue ceramic jug with flowers. 1912. Still life by Hitler at auction Nate D Sanders in Los Angeles. Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Still life painted by Hitler

According to press, painted by a young Adolf Hitler in 1912 still life will be sold at auction Nate D Sanders in Los Angeles on Thursday, March 26th, 2015. Starting price of the picture size 34 x 27 cm is 30 000 dollars. The painting depicts a blue ceramic jug with flowers. According to experts, it is quite unusual for Hitler, who at that time paid much attention to landscape and architectural images. Still life formerly belonged to the Jewish art dealer Samuel Morgenstern. He believed in the talent of the young Hitler, and since 1911 had been selling pictures of the future Nazi leader, thus helping him to earn a living. After Hitler came to power in 1930, the gallery of Morgenstern was captured, and the dealer was exiled to the Lodz ghetto (Poland), where he died in 1943.
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