Symbols encrypted in Venus by Botticelli - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

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Symbols encrypted in Venus by Botticelli

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Symbols encrypted in Venus by Botticelli

Nascita di Venere. Painting by great Italian master Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (1445 – 1510). Symbols encrypted in Venus by Sandro Botticelli

Symbols encrypted in Venus by Botticelli
Botticelli’s appeal to the pagan story, and even with a nude nature, may, at first glance, seem strange. Indeed, in the early 1480s, the artist seems to have devoted himself to Christian art. Thus, in 1481–1482 Sandro painted the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and in 1485 “Madonna and Child”, “Madonna Magnificat” and “Madonna with a book”. But this is an external contradiction.
The great Italian painter Sandro Botticelli did not see anything sinful in a naked female body. Moreover, he saw in it the allegory of the voice of God. In fact, according to his worldview, Botticelli was close to the Florentine Neo-Platonists. In particular, the union headed by the philosopher Marsilio Ficino, who sought to synthesize ancient wisdom with Christian doctrine.
According to the ideas of the Neo-Platonists, the unknowable God always embodies himself in earthly beauty, be it physical or spiritual beauty — one without the other is impossible. Thus, the pagan goddess of the Neoplatonists became an allegory of the voice of God through which the soul is saved. Marsilio Ficino called Venus the nymph of Humanity, “born of heaven and more than others beloved by God. Her soul is the essence of Love and Mercy, her eyes are Dignity and Generosity, her hands are Generosity and Magnificence, and her legs are Comfort and Modesty ”.
Such a synthesis of Christianity and paganism is also present in the work of Botticelli.

Symbols encrypted in Venus by Botticelli


1. VENUS. According to the ancient myth, the first ruler of the world – the god of the sky, Uranus, was besieged by his own son Kronos. The drops of Uranus’ blood fell into the sea and formed the foam from which Venus standing on the shell was born. In the painting by Botticelli, she shyly covers her body. According to art critics, Simonetta Vespucci served as a model for the image of Venus. She was the first Florentine beauty, the beloved of the younger brother Lorenzo de Medici, Giuliano. She passed away young from consumption.

Symbols encrypted in Venus by Botticelli

a giant scallop shell

A giant scallop shell

2. SHELL – the symbol of the female womb, from which Venus emerges.

The God of wind, Zephyr

The God of wind, Zephyr

3. Zephyr – the god of the west spring wind. The Neo-Platonists identified him with Eros, the god of love. In the myth of Venus, Zephyr, with his breath, directed the shell with the goddess to the island of Cyprus, where she set foot on the ground.



4. FLORA – Zephyr’s spouse, the goddess of flowers. The union of Zephyr and Flora is an allegory of the unity of carnal (Flora) and spiritual (Zephyr) love.

A rose

A rose

5. ROSE – a symbol of love and love suffering caused by its thorns.



6. Reed – a symbol of modesty of Venus, who looks ashamed of her beauty.

The Hora of Spring


7. THALLO (literally, “The one who brings blossoms”, also known as Flora) was the goddess of spring, buds and blooms, a protector of youth. One of the four daughters of Zeus and Themis, considered a companion of Venus, she was responsible for order in nature and patronized different seasons.



8. CORNFLOWER is a symbol of fertility, as it grows among ripe breads.



9. IVY is a plant that “embraces” tree trunks, symbolizing affection and loyalty.



10. MYRTLE is a plant dedicated to Venus. According to the story of the ancient Roman poet Ovid, when the goddess of love stepped on the land of Cyprus, she covered nakedness with myrtle. Therefore, myrtle is another symbol of fertility.

Scarlet robe

Scarlet mantle

11. The SCARLET MANTLE is a symbol of the divine power that beauty has over the world.



12. DAISY – a symbol of innocence and purity.



13. ANEMONE – a symbol of tragic love, the cup of which will have to be drunk by Venus on earth. According to the myth, Venus fell in love with the charming shepherd Adonis. But love was short-lived: Adonis died on a hunt from boar tusks. From the tears that the goddess shed over the body of her beloved, an anemone was born.

Orange tree

Orange tree

14. ORANGE TREE – symbolizes the hope of eternal life (orange is an evergreen).
