Blue Rider Impressionist artists 1911-1914
Blue Rider Impressionist artists
Artistic Association “Blue Rider” – one of the most stellar and rapid, bold and short-lived in the XX century. It existed only 3 years (1911 – 1914). Initially with enthusiastic whisper, and later in a loud voice, talked about the synthesis of all the arts and non-objective paintings. Here talked about the value of the painting of crazy and children, about colors and shapes, self-sufficiency and spiritual content of painting. Meanwhile, it united the unique versatile artists working equally brilliantly with brush and pen. Besides, the best representatives of the “new art” wrote revolutionary almanac “Blue Rider”, and without requiring fees and promotions.
Recalling the three years before the First World War, Kandinsky said: “The Blue Rider” is the two of us, Franz Marc and me.”
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