Central Asian ornamental ganch carving art
Central Asian ornamental ganch carving art
Unique and diverse, Ganch carving is one of the most ancient arts of Uzbekistan and Central Asia. It represents a unique school in terms of artistic style and specific technical performance. According to V.V. Stasov, “This is the purest Central Asia itself, which can not be compared with anything else from everything known in the world in terms of drawing and artistic forms.”
Indeed, ganch carving in the hands of a skillful master becomes a work of art. Vegetable and geometric motifs prevailed in the ornamental structure of the art of carving on ganch. Perhaps, to this day, the Central Asian variety of gypsum – ganch would only serve as plaster for the walls and bonding material in the brickwork, if not the Uzbek masters creating ganch art since ancient times. As the Eastern wisdom says – it is not material that makes a thing priceless, but the skillful hands of a master.
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