Art Kaleidoscope

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Category Archive: Architecture

Central Asian ornamental ganch carving art

Central Asian ornamental ganch carving art

Isfandiyorxon Qabulxonasi, Xiva. Wall decor. Central Asian ornamental ganch carving art

Central Asian ornamental ganch carving art
Unique and diverse, Ganch carving is one of the most ancient arts of Uzbekistan and Central Asia. It represents a unique school in terms of artistic style and specific technical performance. According to V.V. Stasov, “This is the purest Central Asia itself, which can not be compared with anything else from everything known in the world in terms of drawing and artistic forms.”

Indeed, ganch carving in the hands of a skillful master becomes a work of art. Vegetable and geometric motifs prevailed in the ornamental structure of the art of carving on ganch. Perhaps, to this day, the Central Asian variety of gypsum – ganch would only serve as plaster for the walls and bonding material in the brickwork, if not the Uzbek masters creating ganch art since ancient times. As the Eastern wisdom says – it is not material that makes a thing priceless, but the skillful hands of a master.
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Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

She walks in colors. Forest of numbers. Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

She walks in colors. Forest of numbers. Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations
Have you ever heard of the farmer who painted his cows green so that his cows might give him more milk? It is difficult to say whether he got more milk from his cows, but in a fact, color affects people in several ways. Back in the 1950s, the Swiss psychotherapist Max Lyuscher, the author of the famous color test, proved the influence of color on certain functions of the human body. Thus, a red color raises blood pressure, and the same blue color, on the contrary, soothes. Undoubtedly, wise approach to color in architecture and design have many possibilities. And realizing the importance of using color in everyday life, many creative people, including artists, architects and designers work in this direction.
Among the brightest and most talented designers, in particular, is the Frenchwoman Emmanuelle Moureaux, who creates unusually beautiful ideas of color application in interior and architecture. In her creative collection are several art installations, and the most notable – “Forest of Numbers”, “Christmas Forest in 100 colors”, “Color Of Time”, and “1000 colors recipe”.
Born in 1971, France, Emmanuelle Moureaux is living in Tokyo since 1996.
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Dubai Miracle Topiary art

Dubai Miracle Topiary art

A sculpture of a beautiful woman welcomes the guests to the unique Floral Park. Dubai Miracle Topiary art

Dubai Miracle Topiary art

According to Latin proverb, Nature starts, art guides, and experience improves. Indeed, this describes the art of topiary. And the unique Floral Park “Dubai Miracle Garden” is a perfect example that. However, the process of creating green or flower sculptures is a long-term, very laborious and time-consuming.
The Dubai garden has a territory of 6.7 hectares. About 45 kinds of various types of flowers grow here. Most of them were specially imported to Dubai, to help the creators of Wonder Gardens to realize their projects. Designers from different countries have developed different landscape designs, and some of them are worth of the Guinness Book of Records. For example, a 10-meter pyramid of flowers, or a 800-meter high wall of plants.
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Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple

Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple

Colorful sculpture decorates Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple

Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple
Undoubtedly, it can impress anyone who ever saw it, without making exceptions. Even such experienced and sophisticated traveler as Marco Polo could not help praising its delightful architecture. The Temple listed among New Seven Wonders of the World is true work of architectural art.
33 thousand magnificent sculptures, painted in bright colors cover the walls and pillars from top to bottom. Besides, the temple is the center of education, culture, literature, art, music and dance for Tamil people. Among the prominent people depicted in carved figures – Rati (wife of Kama), Karthikeya, Ganesha, Shiva, and many more. And of course, alongside with them – endless number of mythical figures of yali – beast with body of lion and head of an elephant. The Temple includes Art Museum exhibiting icons, photographs, drawings, and other exhibits of the 1200 years old history of the temple. And among the most interesting objects of the temple are the Musical Pillars, which produce a different musical note when struck.
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Marc Chagall Stained Glass windows

Marc Chagall Stained glass windows

Marc Chagall Stained Glass windows

Marc Chagall Stained Glass windows
Noteworthy, Chagall lived for nearly one hundred years, and 80 of which he had spent creating a fantastic world full of biblical legends, people and things around him. It is a story interspersed with reality, past and present. Chagall charmed all with his beautiful poetic works, soft and fabulous images. Meanwhile, since the late 1950s, Chagall has made a lot of stained-glass windows for Catholic churches, Lutheran churches, synagogues and other public buildings in France, Italy, USA, Israel, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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Istanbul colors by Yener Torun

Istanbul colors by Yener Torun

Ancient city you never saw before. Istanbul colors by Yener Torun

Istanbul colors by Yener Torun
Historically known as Constantinople, overpopulated and ancient city of Istanbul, suddenly appears a modern city with colorful architecture. The city, you probably never saw. And this became possible thanks to the talented photographer, but first and foremost, architect Yener Torun. He has lived in this city for 14 years. And now, spends his time wandering around the city and capturing colorful buildings. Then, he shares his work on his Instagram page, where he has over 300 posts and 51,000 followers. In fact, Istanbul is the ultimate city of contrasts, with the new minimalistic buildings that add a splash of color to it. 32-year-old photographer Yener Torun aims to show a clean minimalistic view of the city, as it contrasts with the ornate, Ottoman architecture. “Istanbul is mystical and historic but it is also a modern city and I believe increasing the variety of aspects provides a better understanding of the city. I decided to look for something different and started searching less ornate, simpler, modern lines of the city”, says Yener Torun.
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Harbin International Festival of ice sculpture

Harbin International Festival of ice sculpture

Ice castle at 31st Harbin International Festival of ice sculpture, 2015

Harbin International Festival of ice sculpture
January 5, 2015 in Chinese city of Harbin started the 31st annual international festival of ice and snow. Thousands of snow artists and sculptors from around the world have built a city of ice sculptures. At night, the ice city illuminated by LED lamps and lasers, creating a vibrant artistic and architectural images, looks especially beautiful.
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