Sculpture Archives - Page 21 of 21 - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Category Archive: Sculpture

Glass wildflowers by Ronnie Hughes

Glass wildflowers by American self-taught artist Ronnie Hughes

Glass wildflowers by American self-taught artist Ronnie Hughes

Glass wildflowers by Ronnie Hughes are called “Liberty in bloom”, so natural, realistic and detailed these glass sculptures are. Ronnie Hughes was born in 1954 and grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. He learned about glass blowing from a friend after he had graduated from the Wake Forest University in 1976. The glass artist admits that having spent two weeks working with glass, he was hooked. Since Ronnie Hughes did not receive special art education, his aptitude for blowing glass had become a great and pleasant surprise for him. Glassblowing became his career, on which he has spent 35 years, creating a large gallery of glass sculptures, which are now in galleries, art exhibitions and private collections.
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Count Blue Animal Cling Rings

Count Blue Animal Cling Rings Jiro Miura

A bear, a tiger and a pig rings. Work by Japanese self-taught artist and designer Jiro Miura – Count Blue Animal Cling Rings

Count Blue Animal Cling Rings
Made by Japanese self-taught artist Jiro Miura cling rings are, in fact, miniature sculptures of animals. Japanese designer and artist of applied art Jiro Miura has created a stunning gallery of pieces of jewelry. These cling rings are made in the form of various animals. The artist couldn’t even imagine these animal rings and earrings would become so popular that he would have to create his own brand name – ‘Count Blue’, under which he works now. The price for such artful pieces of jewelry is quite affordable ranging from $15 to $200 for one ring.
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Metal art by Junko Mori

Metal art by Japanese artist Junko Mori

Flower composition. Metal art by Junko Mori

Metal art by Junko Mori resembles delicate glass creations in the Art Nouveau style. Japanese artist Junko Mori was born in Yokohama, Japan in 1974. She graduated from the University of Arts in Tokyo in 1997 and defended her bachelor’s degree in three-dimensional design. Mori then worked as a welder at the plant for one year. From 1998 to 2000 she studied at the Camberwell College of Art in London, where she received her second bachelor’s degree.
The artist’s statement – “The uncontrollable beauty is the core of my concept”. The assembling of forged and cast metal is the key to Junko Mori’s work, whether mild steel or almost pure silver. Her observations of tree and plant matter are the driving force behind many of her sculptures which vary in scale from small objects in precious metal through to fairly massive welded steel works of art.
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Ten Thousand Buddha Garden

Ten Thousand Buddha Garden. Sculptures on display in Zhengzhou, China

Displayed in Zhengzhou, China – Ten Thousand Buddha Garden

Ten Thousand Buddha Garden
These uncountable Buddha sculptures stretch for as far as the eye can see. In fact, there are 8,000 of them in all and each and every one has been painstakingly carved from dead jujube trees. Varying in height from 1m to 1.5m, they have been put on display in Zhengzhou, China, before being moved to the Ten Thousand Buddha Garden. Budd you believe it! In fact, Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development and the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life. Besides, Buddhism teaches that all life is interconnected, so compassion is natural and important.
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