Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Krakazyabra Art by Maryana Kopylova

Krakazyabra Art by Maryana Kopylova

Amazing Krakazyabra Art by Maryana Kopylova, Kharkov based artist

Krakazyabra Art by Maryana Kopylova

Young Ukrainian artist Maryana Kopylova, who obviously has her own space channel, creates strange, not like anything and absolutely charming toys. She calls her crafts “Krakazyabra Art”. Krakazyabras are lively and emotional, they are not from this world, and they bring light. According to Maryana, they come into this world, using her as a mediator. Mariana was born and lives in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine. She graduated from the Kharkov Pedagogical University, majoring in fine arts and advertising design. Maryana Kopylova draws pictures, engaged in sand animation, and creates colorful “monsters.”
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Georgian cloisonne enamel Minankari

Georgian cloisonne enamel Minankari

Icon made in the technique of Georgian cloisonne enamel Minankari

Georgian cloisonne enamel Minankari
Georgia is famous for its art of color and boundless energy. For many centuries it was amazing symbiosis of Georgian, European and Oriental influences. At the XIX century was the recovery and development of Georgian culture with the recreation of unique technology of the past and developing new. This happened with the famous jewelry – Georgian cloisonne enamel Minankari. This jewelry of amazing beauty hits with incredible subtlety of color solutions. Besides, the method itself remains unchanged for twelve centuries. And its cost is not less than jewelry made of precious metals and stones. Cloisonne – labor-intensive and complicated technique of enameling, not amenable to mechanization.
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Realistic Paper birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

Paper birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

Paper birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

Realistic Paper birds by Diana Beltran Herrera is a truly piece of art. Inspired by the filigree beauty of bird wings, their exquisite grace, Colombian paper artist Diana Beltran Herrera has created a collection of paper birds. The collection consists of more than 100 species of birds made from intricate hand-cut layers of painted paper. The bird sculptures, among them – pink flamingo, white crane, woodpecker, red heron, and many more, are startlingly realistic, and could be a good teaching material at schools. Her works are based on the photographs of real birds, which she first draws to get dimensions and details. The sketch and photograph help her in all the working process. She has been working over the past years with paper as the primary medium.
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French painter Achille Lauge

Bouquet de fleurs, 1913. Painting by French artist Achille Lauge

Bouquet de fleurs, 1913. Painting by French artist Achille Lauge

French painter Achille Lauge (August 29, 1861 – June 2, 1944) was neo-impressionist and pointillist. He was born into a peasant family who intended to become a pharmacist. Achille Lauge was a trainee in a city pharmacy while attended the Fine Arts school in Toulouse from 1876 to 1881. This is where he made ​​the acquaintance of French sculptors and painters Antoine Bourdelle, Henri Jean Guillaume Martin and Henri Marre. He remained in relationship with them all his life. In 1882, Achille Lauge came to Paris where he joined the National School of Fine Arts.
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Antique European embroidery art

Garden of Eden, last quarter of 16th century. England

Garden of Eden, last quarter of 16th century. England

The Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibits a unique collection of Antique European embroidery art of 15-19 centuries. The most striking sample of antique embroidery art is “Garden of Eden”, made in the 16th century in England. This panel is decorated with small elements—fruits, flowers, and leaves, worked in tent stitch on canvas and then applied to the dark velvet foundation on which was worked the river in the Garden of Eden, the figures of Adam and Eve, and God the Father, in polychrome silk and metal threads. The garden is monumental, almost overwhelming the figures.
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The art of Spiral staircases

The Spiral Staircase

Colors and shapes. The art of Spiral staircases

The art of Spiral staircases
Appreciated by architects and designers, spiral staircases are stairs inspire artists and musicians, film directors and philosophers. Used as a symbol and a part of a religious ritual, stairs emphasize the importance of climbing. Besides, equivalents to stairs are – golden thread, axis of the world, the world tree, the world mountain and rainbow.

According to belief, stairs cross three cosmic zones, linking the world of gods, humans, and the underworld. Connected with the vertical movement, stairs often set hierarchy of deities.
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Masterpiece of Topiary art

Masterpiece of Topiary art. Stunning work of topiary artists - green zoo

Stunning work of topiary artists – green zoo. Masterpiece of Topiary art

Masterpiece of Topiary art
Topiary is a creative partnership of a human and mother nature. And the result of this complex but beautiful artistic process is a stunning living art. However, the art is available not only for professional artists and designers, but also for those among us with the green thumbs and the space to do it.

In fact, these fantastic green worlds begin with a steel frame covered with steel mesh. Next, this mesh is covered with sphagnum moss and soil (seeded with all sorts of plants). Underneath the mesh, a network of irrigation channels supply water to the plants on the surface, helping them grow.
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