Fairy tale happiness by Vasnetsov
Fairy tale happiness by Vasnetsov
Almost every fairy tale hero expects reward similar to “Emelya” happiness – love of beautiful girl and wealth. But happiness has to be earned or won. Available hero is strong, and most importantly, kind. Not all the heroes are winners – only those who fight against evil. This path is not easy. Hurtling through a dark, scary forest the Gray Wolf, saving Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Fair. Her golden hair waving on a wind. The speed with which the wolf carries them is enormous: even heavy sword of Ivan Tsarevich soared up into the air. Elena the Fair seems half asleep. Her patterned robe of blue silk, can not seem to warm her. But Prince tenderly holding her in his arms. Vasnetsov shows in a picture how passionate feelings in a cool, gloomy forest make a real miracle – on apple tree branch, unexpectedly here in the wild forest, bloom sweet as love in the hearts of fairytale characters, flowers.
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