Victoria Sexton Clay Sculpture
Victoria Sexton Clay Sculpture is an inspirational gallery of colorful, exotic and ironical figurines. Talented American artist Victoria Sexton was born in 1954 in San Antonio, Texas, and grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. Victoria Sexton was passionate about clay sculpture since kindergarten, particularly loved making animals. During her study at University of Missouri she discovered the Craft Studio. There she began her real journey into art. Recently, Victoria Sexton has gone from traditional methods using slips, under-glazes and glazes to what is known as cold finishes: that is, painting on clay.
Victoria Sexton has a long list of grants and awards, most recent of them – 2014 Artsplosure, Raleigh, NC, Merit Award. In 2012 she was given Walt Whitman Award of Excellence for Sculpture at Port Warwick Art & Sculpture Festival; 2010 Downeast Sculpture Exhibition, Emerge Gallery, Greenville, NC First place; 2009 Downeast Sculpture Exhibition, Emerge Gallery, Greenville, NC Third place; Raleigh News and Observer Birdhouse Competition, JC Raulston Arboretum, 1st place Flights of Fancy, etc.