Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

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Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist and Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Stunning underwater world and fish in painting by American Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno
Born in 1957 in Washington D.C., Mark Susinno is a talented American artist. Since childhood he has lived in Brooklyn (New York), and in 1979 Mark graduated with honors from Pratt Institute with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Meanwhile, prior to 1985, he worked in the areas not related to art. In particular, he worked as a a torch-cutter, a truck driver, and at plant manufacturing bulletproof doors, etc. However, in 1986, he took part in the Competition Maryland Trout Stamp contest and won it. Since Mark is a true fisherman, he devoted his life to professional painting, specializing in fish and scenes from the life of fishermen. Mark has created numerous fishing stamps, including the 1991 First-of-State Pennsylvania Trout/Salmon Stamp and the 2005 First-of-State Texas Freshwater Stamp.

2005 First-of-State Texas Freshwater Stamp. Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist and fisherman Mark A. Susinno

2005 First-of-State Texas Freshwater Stamp. Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist and Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

According to Mark Susinno, he considers himself to be a fanatic fisherman. And one of the aspects of fishing that inspires his artwork is the physical beauty of fish themselves, even those many people consider less attractive. Also, he finds the underwater environments inhabited by fish every bit as worthy and compelling subjects as any above-water landscape. Often asked why he chooses to paint fish, he explains, that the greater wonder is that so few other artists do so.

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Smallmouth Bass. Bronze & Brown (2006). Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist Mark A. Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Sun Dancers (1990) Bluegills

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Captivating Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist and fisherman Mark A. Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Fabulous Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Painting by American artist A. Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Fish in painting by American artist Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Impressive Underwater world and fish

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

World of fish in painting by American artist Susinno

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Wonderful Underwater world

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Realistic Underwater world and fish

Fisherman painter Mark Susinno

Beautiful Underwater world and fish in painting by American artist Susinno
