Renaissance paintings by Pavel Pokidyshev
Renaissance paintings by Pavel Pokidyshev is a dream world open to thoughtful contemplation and reflection. But each of his artistic expression requires from the viewer sensitive and wise reading, which is bound to respond sympathetic echo in his heart. Pavel Pokidyshev is a Russian artist, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, born in 1965 in Penza, now living in St. Petersburg. Pavel Pokidyshev studied at Penza art school (1980 – 1984), St. Petersburg Academy of Arts of IE Repin (1987-1993). His solo exhibitions took place in Russia and abroad – Guildford in the UK; Berlin, Esslingen, Potsdam in Germany; Kirkenes, Oslo, Bergen in Norway; Delft, The Netherlands. His art is based on historical artistic traditions, expressive elements, images and symbols. His work has become the embodiment of modern ideas of St. Petersburg in painting and drawing. Pavel Pokidyshev creates his own world in the paintings, populated by characters who seem to come from the era of the late Renaissance, or from the brilliant eighteenth century.
Renaissance paintings by Pavel Pokidyshev evoke associations with vintage music boxes, secret spring is already cocked, but the strings and bells are silent, replaced by silence of precious colorful, graphic improvisations. (“Music Box” – the name of one of the works of the artist). However, looking at the work of Pavel Pokidyshev one can easily imagine the costumed holiday music – sounds of the harpsichord, violin or hurdy-gurdy, copper signal of hunting horn, clapping salute, timid whisper of lovers, unprecedented singing birds or the rustle of falling leaves, a melancholy, which dissolves in the resonating void timelessness. Akin to this magical sounds – spicy smell of unknown spirits, breathing the aroma of autumn grass or leafing through old volumes, the pages of which come to us with the heroes of forgotten legends.
Sleep and dream – not just favorite topic of Pavel Pokidyshev, but a breeding ground of his fantasies, his creative foundation of metaphysics. Sleep is a transitional state as a gateway connecting the different levels of reality, invisible, and sometimes for the viewer with a clear certainty is present in most of the works by this artist. Attractive force of his work lies in the kind of tacit appeal to the joint journey through this gateway – a phantasmagorical world of our common dreams, where the black wolf – Anxiety forever circling around the weary traveler, and a mysterious Bird guards his privacy.
Birdcage with the door wide open, often found in the paintings of the artist – a symbol of freedom and hope, but also uncertainty. You can take it as an omen of liberation as isolated nodes of difficult life, as a sign of opposition to the behavioral and intellectual stereotypes; Finally, as a kind of ellipsis, terminating unfinished wise maxim. Numerous birds resting freely on branches in the painting “The Poet and Fall”; wide-open cage on the table “Three Wise Men”; birdie, inspiring the young violinist for creative meditations (“Stargazer”), open cage in the paintings “bird lovers” and “The Return” – a wonderful expressive samples of encyclopedia signs and symbols by Pavel Pokidyshev. To this encyclopedia should be definitely added another cage – a kind of headgear, the girl in the painting “Sailing to the Island of Love.” Here it signifies the voluntary no-freedom that at all times is the responsibility of the natural lovers.