Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

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Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

Crossing Borders. Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters, Dutch photographer

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

For a young and beautiful photographer from the Netherlands Nelleke Pieters photography is just a hobby. She is a big fan of trees and woods, where she has found the main inspiration for her art.
“Forest dream” series of photographs by Nelleke Pieters keeps its secrets and mystery, invisible even for photographer herself. Sometimes it is dark and Gothic, sometimes – a pure celebration of light, mystique forest full of colors and contrasts. Anyway, it is always beautiful.
According to the Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters, she doesn’t use Photoshop things, except adding contrasts, or darkening edges, etc.

"Of Ghosts" by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

“Of Ghosts” by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

Secret Places

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

Small Angels

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

The Bird Watcher

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

Two Way Lane

Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

Utrecht by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Armadale Castle, Scotland. Forest dream by Nelleke Pieters

Armadale Castle, Scotland. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Brighter Days. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Brighter Days. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

colorful Dutch autumn. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieter

colorful Dutch autumn. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Dark Places. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Dark Places. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Forest Angel. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Forest Angel. Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Forest dream by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Dreaming forest by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Forest dream by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Misty Forest dream

Forest dream by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Mysterious Forest dream

Forest dream by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Purple Forest dream

Forest dream by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Blue Forest dream

Moody Scotland (A Celtic cross in a medieval cemetery surrounding Trumpan Church, the Isle of Skye, Scotland). Photo by Dutch photographer Nelleke Pieters

Moody Scotland (A Celtic cross in a medieval cemetery surrounding Trumpan Church, the Isle of Skye, Scotland)

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