Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Belarusian artist Anna Silivonchik

Wedding. Oil on canvas, 2014. Painting by Belarusian artist Anna Silivonchik

Wedding. Oil on canvas, 2014. Painting by Belarusian artist Anna Silivonchik

Belarusian artist Anna Silivonchik
One of the most prominent personalities among young Belarusian painters, Silivonchik works in extremely distinctive style. The artist has created a special world, referring to the very archaic layers of culture, while maintaining a clear link with the art of the twentieth century.
Thus, the source of the artist’s aesthetic guidelines is in fantastic realism of Chagall, naive art of primitives of the early twentieth century, and the local arts and crafts, and of course, folklore. A variety of characters – children, lovers, people, animals, birds, angels, lions and mythological creatures – unicorns, sirens, dragons – inhabit a peculiar and unreal world of Anna Silivonchik.
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Dubai Miracle Topiary art

Dubai Miracle Topiary art

A sculpture of a beautiful woman welcomes the guests to the unique Floral Park. Dubai Miracle Topiary art

Dubai Miracle Topiary art

According to Latin proverb, Nature starts, art guides, and experience improves. Indeed, this describes the art of topiary. And the unique Floral Park “Dubai Miracle Garden” is a perfect example that. However, the process of creating green or flower sculptures is a long-term, very laborious and time-consuming.
The Dubai garden has a territory of 6.7 hectares. About 45 kinds of various types of flowers grow here. Most of them were specially imported to Dubai, to help the creators of Wonder Gardens to realize their projects. Designers from different countries have developed different landscape designs, and some of them are worth of the Guinness Book of Records. For example, a 10-meter pyramid of flowers, or a 800-meter high wall of plants.
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Hasan Kale Mıcro Art

Hasan Kale Mıcro Art

Bird, miniature painting on M & M’s candy. Hasan Kale Mıcro Art

Hasan Kale Mıcro Art

Born in 1960 in Turkey, Hasan Kale makes awesome miniature, even micro drawings of beautiful landscapes, cityscapes, wildlife, historical characters, and not only. The artist has been working in micro miniature since the 1980s.
For his detailed mini-marvels he uses extraordinary canvases, such as the wings of any taxidermied insect, a lemon peel, pasta, snail shells, seeds, lump of sugar, grain of rice, and even sharp plant spikes! However, the skillful artist doesn’t need a wooden board to mix colors on it, instead, he uses his finger as a palette. For 55-year-old artist miniaturist the main inspiration is his native city, that’s why we see colorful scenes of Istanbul in most of his art works.
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Painting on silk by Elena Prudnikova

Walking in London

Walking in London. Painting on silk by Elena Prudnikova

Painting on silk by Elena Prudnikova
Inspired by the beauty of London and its attractions, architecture and streets, the artist has created a series of remarkable paintings on silk.
Smolensk based artist Elena Prudnikova graduated from Moscow Pedagogical University (graphic arts faculty) to become a teacher of Art. Her favorite technique of painting is batik, or painting on silk fabric stretched on cardboard, with acrylic paints.
Many of her works have participated in international exhibitions and are in private collections in Russia and abroad. Elena Prudnikova is a member of the International Association of Art. She lives and works in Smolensk.
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Exquisite Nautilus jewelry art masterpieces

Exquisite Nautilus jewelry art masterpieces. Nautilus snail, c. 1630, German, Nuremberg

Riding Snail, c. 1630, German, Nuremberg. Exquisite Nautilus jewelry art masterpieces

Exquisite Nautilus jewelry art masterpieces
The Golden Ratio is widely used in art, architecture and religious symbols by great artists. Guggenheim Museum, Frank Lloyd Wright-designed, has the shape of a nautilus shell. Scientists came to the conclusion that people find beautiful work of art, buildings and even a person who meets the proportions of the golden Ratio.

Nautilus shell symbolizes The Golden Ratio. The proportion of golden section is known as the phi number – 1.61803 … to infinity number after the decimal point – the “key to the physics of the cosmos” (Plato).
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Matchbox holder Art

Matchbox holder Art

Scene from every day life in the village. Matchbox holder Art

Matchbox holder Art
A relatively recent invention of mankind, matches have replaced the flint about two centuries ago, and safety matches appeared only in 1844. However, match holders have neither an inventor nor a homeland, as they appeared simultaneously in several countries, in the era before 1900. Matchbox holders were made for the living room, office, bedroom, and of course, kitchen. They were in the form of figures and grandiose compositions and made of different materials, such as gold, nickel, silver, brass, aluminum, bronze, iron and even porcelain. And some unique memorable “Match Safes” are a real work of art. Even nowadays, the same as previously, these cute little things are passed as heirlooms. Besides, they are popular among connoisseurs and collectors of antiques. Undoubtfully, vintage matchbox holders, carrying the spirit of others and passing time, beauty and grace, will be always valued.
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Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple

Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple

Colorful sculpture decorates Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple

Exquisite Meenakshi Amman Temple
Undoubtedly, it can impress anyone who ever saw it, without making exceptions. Even such experienced and sophisticated traveler as Marco Polo could not help praising its delightful architecture. The Temple listed among New Seven Wonders of the World is true work of architectural art.
33 thousand magnificent sculptures, painted in bright colors cover the walls and pillars from top to bottom. Besides, the temple is the center of education, culture, literature, art, music and dance for Tamil people. Among the prominent people depicted in carved figures – Rati (wife of Kama), Karthikeya, Ganesha, Shiva, and many more. And of course, alongside with them – endless number of mythical figures of yali – beast with body of lion and head of an elephant. The Temple includes Art Museum exhibiting icons, photographs, drawings, and other exhibits of the 1200 years old history of the temple. And among the most interesting objects of the temple are the Musical Pillars, which produce a different musical note when struck.
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