Daniela Wolf pencil drawing
Daniela Wolf pencil drawing
The tools Daniela uses for drawing these awesome images – colored pencils. According to the artist, it takes her only 2-3 days to complete the drawing. Talented German artist Daniela Wolf (nicknamed Svera) creates beautiful hyper realistic portraits with pencils, that look like photographs. In her art gallery – portraits of celebrities, fantasy drawings, still life and movie scenes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information on the biography of the artist, except the fact that she enjoys writing, mostly fantasy novels and science fiction short stories.
Author’s description:
In this scene John Connor (leader of the resistance) and Marcus Wright (cyborg) meet for the first time and it doesn’t go very well. Christian Bale was supposed to play Marcus, but was more interested in the part of Connor, so he got that role while Sam Worthington was offered the role of Marcus. That may be the reason why both of them look so similar. “So for me the resemblance is kind of a foreshadowing, even if it was unintentional. That’s even more interesting in the context of the Terminator Salvation, because in this movie John tries to convince people not to attack Sky-net and killing people while doing so, saying that would mean they would become as bad as the machines. But with the knowledge we have about the future in Terminator 2 someone might think that one day he will see something so horrible he loses his human touch.”
Daniela Wolf pencil drawing