Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

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Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Adopt a bot. Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall
American sculptor Brian Marshall from Wilmington, Delaware, has created The world’s first robot orphanage. In particular, the entire army of cute robots, with nice expression and great stance. And looking at them you can’t resist not to adopt one of them. Meanwhile, the artist himself calls his gallery of sculptures “adopt a bot”, which is worth doing. Every “orphan” – made of found objects – old cutlery, discarded cans, car parts, any metal objects. According to Brian Marshall, he began making these cute robots quite innocently. He collected various broken utensils, disassembled them into parts, and then created amusing figures of mechanical men. And then, he just gave some of his creations to his friends. Over time, the collection widened, gaining prominence. His wonderful robots made ​​from scrap metal, began to find their owners. A young artist has been creating beautifully detailed sculptures for some years already, and it’s not just a hobby, it’s an obsession.

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Cute Robot, from the orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

“Each robot – constructed almost entirely from reused materials. First, cleaned and polished details to varying degrees depending on the persona I am attempting to achieve. Even the nuts and bolts used to hold together each creation are from a recycler. With simple, fun designs that contain easily recognizable pieces, it is my hope that viewers will find a personality to connect with”. Also, the artist hopes the viewers will see the value of and possibilities for reducing, reusing and recycling in our world today.

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Ice-hockey player

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Funny Robot with horns

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Funny robot, metal junk art by American sculptor B. Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Forward! ‘Adopt a bot’ metal junk art

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Goal keeper

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Fabulous robot created by Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Metal junk art by American sculptor B. Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

A family of robots

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Creative and funny robots

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Creative metal junk art

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

UFO robot

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Musician robot

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Work by American sculptor B. Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Sculpture of recycled materials

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Junk art by American sculptor B. Marshall

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Teapot robot

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Riding robot

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

Archer robot

Robot orphanage junk art by Brian Marshall

‘Adopt a bot’ metal junk art
