Lazer Light Reflection in Canada. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Canadian professional photographer Stuart Deacon is from Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is a travel photographer, photo illustrator, doing a lot of landscape type work, HDR, and wildlife. He dabbles in artistic interpretive photography, as well as some photo illustrative stuff. Stuart has spent a great deal of time learning the craft and perfecting different styles. His prints are for sale in any printing medium from canvas, framed prints, or acrylics.
A Stream Runs Through It in Peru. Canadian photographer Stuart Deacon
Stuart Deacon: “I grew up travelling around the world with my dad, and have been to many wonderful places. He took lots of photos in his day and I never thought much of it, until I started taking my kids with me. Now it seems to be all I can ever do. I do take a lot of HDR photos as well as textured shots. I have spent a long time learning the ins and outs of some of the most complex photo software available, as well as learned straight from some of the worlds leading travel photographers. As a chef of over 15 years I have learned to harness my creative and artistic side”.
Barn Owl in Canada. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Enchanted Bakery in Peru. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Sunset at Whirlpool Lake in Canada. Stuart Deacon photoart
Old Town Cusco in Peru. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Ollantaytambo in Peru. Canadian photographer Stuart Deacon
Park Trail in Canada. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Red Rock at Black Canyon in America. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Reflections in Canada. Canadian photographer Stuart Deacon
Sacred Land in America. Photographer Stuart Deacon
Staring at The Sun in Canada. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Steller Jay. Stuart Deacon photoart
Sunflower in Canada. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Sunset Beach in Canada. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
The Summer Palace Beijing. The emperor would spend his summer vacation here. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Urubamba in Peru. Canadian photo illustrator Stuart Deacon
Yellow Fields in Canada. Canadian photographer Stuart Deacon