Art Kaleidoscope

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Cats in Manezh art exhibition

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The art exhibition in Moscow Arena 'Cats in Manezh' (30 December 2014 to 20 January 2015)

Portrait of a cat. Moscow Arena (30 December 2014 to 20 January 2015). Cats in Manezh art exhibition

Cats in Manezh art exhibition
The announced exhibition of contemporary Russian art will take place in Moscow “New Arena” before the New Year. According to RIA Novosti, the organizers dedicated the art exhibition to the most popular characters of network space in recent years – cats. In particular, about 80 contemporary Russian artists will present their works for the exhibition “Cats in the Manezh”. And many of them – made specifically for the project. Meanwhile, the works will represent various genres: painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, video and art installation. Among the participants of the exhibition are Tselkov, Oscar Rabin, Pavel Pepperstein, Tatiana Akhmetgalieva, Vlad Kul’kov, Rostan Tavasiev and more. The exhibition will take place from 30 December 2014 to 20 January 2015.

Painting by Oleg Tselkov

Painting by Oleg Tselkov. With Cat, 1993. Sloane Gallery of Art

Russian nonconformist artist Oleg Tselkov (b. 15 July 1934) is known for his strange, painted in bright color faces, depicted inner psychological patterns of violence in contemporary culture

“The powerful cultural expansion of cats is carried out using all available information channels – popular video hosts daily share thousands of clips depicting heartwarming cats, social networks broadcast news from the world of charismatic mouse catchers – any blogger, posting a cat, guarantees himself the increasing number of “likes”.

According to exhibition manager Egor Koshelev, world-renowned artists depicted cats in their paintings long before the advent of the Internet. Among the old masters it was Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, but contemporary Russian artists still “avoid them.”

Cats in Manezh art exhibition