Guinness Records wooden sculpture
Guinness Records wooden sculpture
According to the Official certificate of the Guinness World Records, Chinese master Zheng Chunhui has built the longest wooden sculpture in the world. He made sculpture of solid wood 12.2 meters long, and 3.075 meters high. Noteworthy, Chunhui worked on his amazing sculpture for about 4 years. And those who have seen it with their own eyes, in one voice assured that it was worth it.
So, the sculpture is something more than a sculpture made of wood. This massive sculpture looks really amazing – 12 meters of wooden trunk with carved villages and forests, rivers, boats, animals, and human figures – no less than 550 of them.
In fact, Zheng performed his sculpture based on the famous Chinese painting, amazing panorama of ‘Along the River during the Qingming’), created over 1,000 years ago by the great Chinese painter Zhang Zeduan. So, the sculpture is a copy of his famous painting. The original painting, called “Mona Lisa of the Chinese”, dominates the minds and hearts of mankind for centuries. By the way, in the original picture there are no less than 800 figures of people, about 60 animals, two dozen boats and 170 trees.
However, only one master – Chunhui knows how much he invested into this huge wooden barrel – four years of painstaking work. Fortunately, the creation is paid off – Chunhui has won the world record as the author of the longest wooden sculpture in the world.
Guinness Records wooden sculpture
Meanwhile, on closer inspection, the sculpture seems just unreal – on the 12 meters of the tree live their peaceful life Chinese countryside. Grazing animals, uneven flow of rivers along the banks, and tired peasants going home. In Chinese huts sit and dine Chinese family, somebody is watching from the balcony, over the houses and and the trees rustle, houses are built, and children play. Old and young, rich and poor – the sculpture depicts life of ordinary Chinese people who lived nearly a thousand years ago.
Official certificate of the Guinness World Record became the main prize of the Chinese master. The longest wooden sculpture in the world is exhibited in the Palace Museum in Beijing.