Alexander Levental stone cutting art
Alexander Levental stone cutting art
Born in 1959, St. Petersburg based jeweler stone cutter Alexander Solomonovich Levental is the founder of the Creative Union of Rock-cutters of Russia and Knight of the Order of A.K. Denisov-Uralsky (2010).
He grew in the family of a geologist engineer and got a love for a stone from his father and grandfather, a Petrograd jeweler.
Alexander studied at the Restoration and Construction School, specializing in stone carving. After graduation in 1977, he continued private studies in the workshop of Eduard Versudsky and his wife Alevtina Voronova. Then he worked as a foreman of stone carvers at the Monumental sculpture factory. However, wherever and whatever he would not work (a sailor, a fireman, a polisher, a caretaker, a watchman), he was constantly engaged in jewelry and stone carving.
In 1989, Levental organized “Plastic in stone” company, which existed until 1992. After 1992, he ran the stone carving workshop “Artes”, and in 2002 founded his own creative workshop.
Extraordinarily beautiful works of the jeweler attracted the attention of the press. At the 1996 exhibition in the Manege, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Carl Faberge, his work took 2nd place. At the exhibitions “World of Stone” his works “Bustics of Greek women and Romans” received 2nd prize, “Boxer” 3rd prize, “Mastiff” – Grand Prix (2005, co-author O. Poptsova), and “Boxer” second place. Besides, one of the figures of the “dogs” was on Sotheby’s, like the real from Faberge. According to Leventhal, the ways of artistic things are inscrutable.
Master-virtuoso Alexander Levental stone cutting art