Stone Carving Art by Altai master Yury Shumov - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Stone Carving Art by Altai master Yury Shumov

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Stone Carving Art by Altai master Yury Shumov

Aviator. Stone Carving Art by Altai master Yury Shumov

Stone Carving Art by Altai master Yury Shumov

Born in 1983 in the town of Berezovka, in 1998 Yury Shumov entered the Lyceum in Biysk, where he studied for four years, to become “Artist-Master of Decorative and Applied Art”. At the end of the lyceum in 2002 he entered the Biysk Pedagogical University the artistic and graphic department. In addition, the same year he got a job as an art teacher at the Major Secondary School in Charyshsky District. But the prospect of teaching and long studying at the university did not inspire him. The paper and routine work interfered with self-realization and development of his own creative potential.
So, in 2003 he moved to Kolyvan, to the stone-cutting plant, and worked there as a polisher of stone products. Six months later, he was engaged in bulk carving on the stone. And all this time he, along with his brothers, built a workshop in Berezovka, bought tools, manufactured machines, collected stones, and precious materials for work. By the autumn of 2008 the workshop was ready. The first success came in 2010, when they won the 1st place in Charyshsky and Solonshensky district among the participants of the exhibition in the nomination “Handicraft production”.

Violin player

Violin player

Then followed the Siberian fair “Sibjeweler-2010” in Novosibirsk, where Shumov won the Big Gold Medal for the promotion and preservation of the Russian stone-cutting Art. For his work stone cutters use various rocks of semiprecious stones: quartzes, jaspers, agates, porphyries, breccias, marbles and granites.

Meanwhile, the history of Kolyvan craftsmen is more than 200 years. Kolyvan artists created real masterpieces of stones. Nowadays hereditary masters-stonecutters are still working here. It was their ancestors who had made a famous “Tsarina of Vases” which decorates the Hermitage. Harmony of form doesn’t become old-fashioned, colors of Altai porphyries, belorechits and jaspers do not grow dim and do not fade. World museums and palaces of governments of different countries take pride in the articles of Altai craftsmen.

Stone Carving Art by Altai master Yury Shumov

Altai stone-cutters. 1970s. Oil on canvas (a copy of the painting by AL Ganjinsky (1957), kept in the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg). Artist M.F. Zherebtsov

Altai stone-cutters. 1970s. Oil on canvas (a copy of the painting by AL Ganjinsky (1957), kept in the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg). Artist M.F. Zherebtsov

Since olden times has the stone of Altai land been a perfect building material: underground stations, the palace of Congress and international airport in Moscow. Moreover, modern medicine has become interested in medicinal qualities of some stones, which have a soul!

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Crazy Max



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Gnome with umbrella

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Good page from the fairy tale ‘Cinderella’





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Northern postman – a figure of Altai stone-cutters

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Red horse mosaics

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The figure of a deer

The figure of a deer

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Vase Autumn

Yuri Shumov

Yuri Shumov

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