Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

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Fox. Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

A Fox. Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino
American self-taught artists of applied art Kiyoshi and his wife Emma create realistic miniature domestic and wild animals and life size sculptures of birds, entirely ​​of felt. The artistic duo work on their farm – Lucky Duck Farm in Illinois.
According to Mino, the desire to live on the farm appeared after he served in the army, in Afghanistan. It was there Kiyoshi saw village people growing all that they need in their gardens, grazing and gathering the harvest. Thus, he realized that it gives them the opportunity to be independent of what is happening around. Besides, the opportunity to live without too much fuss and anxiety, and take care of the family and the farm. Also, enjoy the simple things, such as the sun, rain and cold. Kiyoshi wanted to live closer to the ground and spend more time with his family. Then he with his wife moved to a farm. Inspired by farm life, the creative duo Kiyoshi and Emma have created the beautiful gallery of realistic felted animals.

Bear. Miniature realistic felted sculpture by Kiyoshi Mino

A Bear. Miniature felted animals by K. Mino

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Cat. Miniature realistic felted sculpture

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

A pheasant. Felted handmade life size sculptures of birds

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Beautiful Felted handmade life size sculptures of birds

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Hawk. Felted handmade life size sculptures of birds

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Stunning Miniature realistic felted sculpture

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Ape. Miniature realistic felted sculpture

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Realistic felted sculpture of foxes

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Work in progress. Miniature realistic felted sculpture by Mino

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Bamby. Miniature realistic felted sculpture

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Gallery of Miniature realistic felted sculpture

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Domestic animals. Miniature realistic felted sculpture

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Miniature realistic felted sculpture of farm animals

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

White horse. Miniature realistic felted sculpture of farm animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino


Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

one of a kind needle felt sculpture of an adult male Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Owl. Felted handmade life size sculptures of birds

Miniature felted animals by Kiyoshi Mino

Rooster. Felted handmade life size sculptures of birds