Photo art by Josh Adamski - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Photo art by Josh Adamski

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Photo art by Josh Adamski

Waiting. Photo art by Josh Adamski

Photo art by Josh Adamski
Looking at these urban landscapes, rain-drenched streets, skyscraper kingdom, the lonely bench by the sea, endless fields – aware that a major theme in the work of 67-year-old British photographer – loneliness. Josh Adamski has been photographing since he was a young boy. He gained international fame for his conceptual photography, a style which he calls photo impressionism. Combining stunning panoramas and digital processing, Josh turns each frame into a work of art. Photographer considers that there are no specific rules to create different pictures, and there are real experts in their field who are able to bring to life masterpieces, ignoring all principles of shooting. Josh Adamski was born in 1948, and most of his life has lived in the United Kingdom. The talented photographer lives near a wonderful beach, where he spends much time, getting inspiration from the sea.

Photo art by Josh Adamski

Stillness. Photo art by Josh Adamski

Every person in this world, in fact, is terribly lonely … And this is eternal damnation and eternal joy … curse, because loneliness is painful, and joy, because only it can bring the joy of solitude. Realizing this, you will get rid of divisions between the concepts of “joy” and “pain”, “curse” and “happiness”. From all divisions, recognizing their convention, because there is no separate pain from pleasure and no joy, as such, separate from the pain … No curse and no luck … There’s nothing … There is only our imagination about the whole thing …
And we invent all this only because madly in need of love … But we are afraid to admit it.

Photo art by Josh Adamski

Loneliness. Photo art by Josh Adamski


Get filled with loneliness and the illusion disappears. You come into this world alone. Yes, there are people around you … There are those to care about you, or vice versa, almost deprived of care, but, invariably, you are one …

None of those who are near, do not know your soul, no one will ever be able to understand you so that you do not have to demand, to achieve, to prove, to ask, to be improved in order to gain an understanding and love … just because you’re there. People will tell you that they are ready to love you all, that you do not need anything, but be sure a time will come when they don’t understand you.

Now you know why the man was originally given solitude? Yes, because without it he can not feel how he is not alone. Without it, he can not be filled, to pour out on the other, and feel the bliss and joy of this. To know Love. Actually no loneliness nor unity … That’s all – a concept invented by man.

Black and white

Rain in the city

Black and white

Black and white beach

The two

The two



At the sea shore

At the sea shore

Walking in the mist

Walking in the mist

Boating in the waves

Boating in the waves

Blue sea

Blue sea

Road to skyscrapers

Road to skyscrapers

On the wooden bridge

On the wooden bridge



Tree on the road

Tree on the road

Deep in the woods

Deep in the woods

Rainbow sky

Rainbow sky

Washed by rain. Photographer Josh Adamski

Washed by rain