Russian master enameller Fyodor Ruckert

Two archers in red caftans in front of a wooden door, detail of desk set. Silver, gilding, painted enamel, Moscow, circa 1900. Work by Russian master enameller Fyodor Ruckert (1851–1918)
Russian master enameller Fyodor Ruckert (1851–1918)
At the end of the nineteenth century, Russian jewelers took the art of creating painted enamels to a new level. The works of Fyodor Rückert occupy a special place in the art of enamel. Bright cloisonné enamels, covered with fantastic creatures intertwined with intricate floral ornaments, have become famous thanks to international exhibitions and fairs.
Born in the French province of Alsace-Lorraine in 1840, Fyodor Ruckert came to Russia at the age of 14. In 1886, Ruckert opened his own silverware workshop. Already in 1887, he began collaborating with the Faberge firm. Noteworthy, up to 80% of all products bearing the Faberge brand came out of Ruckert’s workshop.
The most interesting and rare items of the workshop are picturesque enamel miniatures which capture the beauty and charm of Russian antiquity – history, boyar life, and folklore.
Over time, the master developed his own unique style and a special color scheme, which included olive, eggplant, and black colors.
Fedor Ivanovich Ruckert died in 1917, and was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery in Moscow.
Today, a large part of the works of Ruckert workshop decorate the collections of foreign museums.

Makers mark include Russian letters ФР for Fyodor Rukert, a female head in a kokoshnik, facing right, with the cipher of the district in the Greek letter “delta” and a hallmark for silver items – 88
Works by Russian master enameller Fyodor Ruckert

Cup with a handle in the shape of a stylized duck. Silver, gilding, cloisonné enamel. Moscow, circa 1908-1917

Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf (based on a painting by V. Vasnetsov). Silver gilded round box. 5.4 cm, 1899-1908

Silver gilded dish depicting the Sirin bird, decorated with pictorial and cloisonné enamel, diameter 18.42 cm, 1899-1908

Swan and floral design traditional shape bowl made of silver with cloisonne and painted enamel, Moscow, 1899-1908

Traditional Russian dish with a handle in the shape of a stylized duck. Silver, gilding, cloisonné enamel. Moscow, circa 1908-1917