Russian artist Grigory Kuznetsov
Russian artist Grigory Kuznetsov was born in 1959. He has been a member of the International Art Foundation since 2002 and the Artists Union of Russia since 2004. It is safe to say that the work of Grigory Kuznetsov combines “algebra and harmony” – namely, emotional and carefully tuned composite construction. Perhaps, that is due to the fact that the artist, who had in his luggage technical educations, graduated from the Surikov Art Institute in 1996. He is able to see the world through the eyes of both – physics and lyrics.
Any work of Grigory Kuznetsov is a talk with the universe, an attempt to touch eternity. Language of communication with the world, drawn by the artist is unique, but very clear. His work is recognized by style and variety of tone – festive and nostalgic, sublime and everyday, are united by one common origin. And the general principle is one theme – love. Nothing, but love is present in his art, everything else is its variations.
In the first works of Gregory Kuznetsov is clearly seen that the artist is addicted to the elegance of the Silver Age and fascinated by art of Borisov-Musatov. Paintings of those years are characterized by cold colors and colors slightly whitened, that creates a feeling of tenderness and innuendo.
Going to Italy, Grigory Kuznetsov did not know how much this trip would affect his creative life. It’s hard to say why the heavens of Italy since ancient times influence Russian masters so much, but somehow, if a good artist goes to Italy, a true master with a pronounced personal style comes back. For a long time he was painting Italy from memory. On his canvas came to life landscapes of Venice with a characteristic combination of brick red, olive and purple, cozy cafes with colorful Roman round tables and tiled, like scarlet scales, roofs of the Vatican.
Now in his works prevails decorative, space is divided by planes circled by the curved contour, like the stained glass windows. Grigory Kuznetsov visits Italy again and again – but this does not mean that he stopped painting Russian landscapes.
Russian artist Grigory Kuznetsov