Surreal vintage collages by Eugenia Loli
Surreal vintage collages by Eugenia Loli
Collage prints by Eugenia Loli transform our reality and build up exciting new worlds. They can tease, giving us the opportunity to plunge into a visual narrative surrealist tale. According to the artist, she is from Greece, but for many years has been living in California. Meanwhile, through her work Eugenia Loli tries to “say” something, and it is very important to her. Besides, she wants to know that for the vast majority her work has meaning.
“I usually create a genre, “narrative” stage in my collages. Sometimes the scene is witty or sarcastic, sometimes causing horrendous sense of danger. I give the viewer the freedom of imagination and fill in the gaps of the storyline”, says Eugenia Loli.
The gallery of artworks created by Eugenia Loli consists of series of works. In particular, The beauty of women, Oh, L’amour, or Greek Heritage, where she pays tribute to her Greek origin: re-imagining ancient Greek mythology in a surreal, vintage setting.