Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations - Art Kaleidoscope

Art Kaleidoscope

Between art and craft

Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

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She walks in colors. Forest of numbers. Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

She walks in colors. Forest of numbers. Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations
Have you ever heard of the farmer who painted his cows green so that his cows might give him more milk? It is difficult to say whether he got more milk from his cows, but in a fact, color affects people in several ways. Back in the 1950s, the Swiss psychotherapist Max Lyuscher, the author of the famous color test, proved the influence of color on certain functions of the human body. Thus, a red color raises blood pressure, and the same blue color, on the contrary, soothes. Undoubtedly, wise approach to color in architecture and design have many possibilities. And realizing the importance of using color in everyday life, many creative people, including artists, architects and designers work in this direction.
Among the brightest and most talented designers, in particular, is the Frenchwoman Emmanuelle Moureaux, who creates unusually beautiful ideas of color application in interior and architecture. In her creative collection are several art installations, and the most notable – “Forest of Numbers”, “Christmas Forest in 100 colors”, “Color Of Time”, and “1000 colors recipe”.
Born in 1971, France, Emmanuelle Moureaux is living in Tokyo since 1996.

100 colors and layers. Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

Paper art installation – 100 colors and layers

According to Emmanuelle Moureaux, bright colors perfectly cheer up and, in general, raise our mood. And she proves this fact with her colorful art projects. For example, “100 colors” project, created specially for the festival Shinjuki Creators Festa 2013, which took place in Tokyo. The designer used exactly 100 colors for the project. And it was impressive: the sheets of colored paper attached to the ceiling look very impressive and fit organically into the space. And for the audience, the installation turns into a color therapy session.

Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

Architecture and colors

Architecture and colors

Meanwhile, Muro admits that working with different colors brings her great satisfaction. “When I first came to Tokyo, I was amazed by the abundance of different color shades, which, literally, “created” space. These impressions inspired me to develop my own design concept – “shikiri” (“the division (creation) of space by means of color”).

Well, find a cat in this picture

Well, find a cat in this picture

Architecture and colors

Architecture and colors

Art installation, yellow color in fashion and interior

Art installation, yellow color in fashion and interior

Beautiful color installation by Emmanuelle Moureaux

Beautiful color installation

Bright layers of rainbow colors

Bright layers of rainbow colors

Closeup. Colorful Paper silhouettes

Closeup. Colorful Paper silhouettes

Design and color

Design and color

Dwelling in the colorful forest

Dwelling in the colorful forest

Forest of colorful numbers art installation

Forest of colorful numbers art installation

Green people silhouettes

Green people silhouettes

Rainbow people

Rainbow people

Riot of colors in the forest of numbers

Riot of colors in the forest of numbers

The National Art Center, Tokyo. Emmanuelle Moureaux Color Installations

The National Art Center, Tokyo

Visitors wondering inside the colorful forest filled with numbers

Visitors wondering inside the colorful forest filled with numbers
