Diane bust. Steampunk Sculpture by Pierre Matter
French self-taught sculptor Pierre Matter was born April 4, 1964 in Haut-Rhin, in the valley of Munster. After a rather mystical childhood, he, without conviction, left his studies in math for artistic creation. He tried his hand at gouache, watercolor, was involved in drawing comics and bas-reliefs in stone. He finally found his artistic way in sculpture that has always been his main passion. Pierre Matter has been creating stunning sculptures for more than ten years. His art studio is actually his garage, where he using copper, aluminum, bronze, rubber and everything that comes to hand creates his scrap metal artworks. Steampunk Sculpture by Pierre Matter combines nature and products of industrial world. Some of his sculptures weigh more than six tons.
Tribute to Barcelona. Steampunk Sculpture by Pierre Matter
French sculptor Pierre Matter has exhibited his Steampunk Sculptures in artgalleries – in New York, Paris, Singapore, Miami, Hong Kong, London, Venice, Geneva, Seoul, Monaco, Dubai, Shanghai and in his home country France. His works got several awards – 1999: Prize for Sculpture Foundation by Paul Ricard (Bandol), 1997: 1st prize for sculpture (Luxeuil), 1996: 1st prize in Couthenans, 1995: 1st prize for sculpture in Council of Europe (Strasbourg), 1993 Gold Medal of the World – Arts – Salon (Avignon).
A love of rhino. Steampunk Sculpture by Pierre Matter
My artistic work fits into this disruptive era, when all the limits are constantly being called into question by technology and science. It’s a modest attempt to apprehend by means of concrete shapes the effects of the uncontrolled acceleration of change on our lives and our planet.
And the winner is. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Animal Farm. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Cyber-love. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Evolving falcon. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Fighting bull. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
fish eye. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Freud’s horse. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Histoire d’un mythe. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Horse family. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Le clone. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Little Buddha. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Little duo. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Matrice. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Mother and son. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Pink duel. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Rhino’s head. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Ruade. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
The bird of time resting. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
the twins. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
The watch. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Theseus slaying the bull of Marathon. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Two Trojans. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Unbalanced friendship. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Verdict. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
Zen. Steampunk Sculpture by French artist Pierre Matter
French artist Pierre Matter
source http://www.pierrematter.fr/