Beautiful Straw art by Irina Porosova
Straw art by Irina Porosova
For many of us, straw seems quite unnecessary material and even rubbish. Meanwhile, people anciently used this ‘garbage’ for household purposes. In particular, with straw they covered the roof, added to the clay and built houses. Also, fed cattle in winter, filled pillows and mattresses. And, most importantly, created stunningly interesting things, and even pieces of art. For example, the same as Russian artist of applied art Irina Porosova, working in her art shop called Fairy-tale. Self-taught artist, she creates fabulous paintings of usual straw. According to her, straw has become her real long-time passion. Parosova lives in the city of Syzran of Samara region.
Meanwhile, in the world there are many techniques and technologies of straw use. And each country has its own popular one or another type of straw art. In particular, in Belarus – it is weaving, Romania and the Czech Republic – creating panels in special technique, when parts are made of the wicker and the other-planar method of application. While in Ukraine, it is a straw ribbon embroidery and weaving.
Straw art by Irina Porosova
Did you know that there is even the International Day of straw – on August 1? On this day all the fans of straw creativity meet this unique “straw” holiday. In addition, there is an international association of “Straw Weavers”, whose main objective is to promote straw art, and that Straw festivals are held, just feast for the eyes, a true celebration of Creativity.